Monday, May 08, 2006

‘It’s on Time’

Time runs fast when you are walking the streets
But it only ambles on when you are running out in the heat

Time drives by when you are driving for leisure
But when you are in a chase, it races with measure

Feels like a time warp when you are sleeping
But time seems to clot when it’s a book that you are reading

Time flows freely when you are working alone in your cubicle
But when you are talking to your boss, it flows only in a trickle

Time floats past over swigs of intoxicating potions
But, if one is shot at, bullets seem to move in slow-motion

It’s known that life seems longer when the adrenalin flows
Though you can’t stop time, you know you can make it run slow
But then, what’s the use of taming the time-monster
When it’s more endearing with a mind of its own?

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