Tuesday, May 16, 2006

‘The Curious Incident of the Pussy in the Night-time’

It was a typical Marine Drive evening and the breeze was hell-bent on sweeping everything resting on the promenade a shade further toward mainland. It was during this tussle of the multitude of things lining the coast with the stubborn sea breeze, when the sun had freshly set, the sky had just acquired a mysterious dark shade of blue, and I was consciously gazing at the concrete rocks lining the beach, that I happened to notice something that instantly registered in my mind as odd and I thought, ‘That’s odd…’. It was what seemed like a glowing diamond, moving circuitously within the murky mesh of the concrete rocks lining the coast, what I have been told are called ‘tripod rocks’. Though the movement of the diamond slightly erratic at times, given the concrete caves it seemed determined to negotiate, it was making a pretty smooth job of it. The diamond glided within the multiple caves, vanishing into darkness at times. Quite naturally, I was enamored by the beauty of the glowing diamond and instinctively started following it. As it was, I happened to be quite close to the end of the causeway where the tripod rocks merge with the sea rocks without exhibiting discernible traces of separation. And it so happened that I reached the end of the causeway following the floating diamond only to find a cat emerging from below one of the concrete rocks, its eyes now in full view and clearly showing intentions to flee, which it promptly did the very next moment, laying my curiosity to rest.

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